What to Expect
Each Sunday, we joyfully gather to sit under God's Word and worship him together in the confidence of Christ's resurrection.
Between the months of September and May,
we gather for Equipping Classes at 9:00 am, followed by our worship service at 10:30 am.
Between the months of June and August,
we simplify for summer hours, gathering at 9:30 am for our worship service.
Parking is available directly in front of the church building, in the adjacent lot in front of our Family Center (the separate building with the ramp), and in the dirt/grass area to the left of the church building and next to the train tracks.
Additional parking can be found in two more nearby locations. First, you may park across the street on Sundays only at South Coast Creations. You can park anywhere around the mulch and stone bays and the front porch. Please do not park in front of the gravel driveway on the far right side as that is a driveway to an apartment. The second place you may park is on the same side of Miller St. before Smith St, but across the railroad tracks. This property belongs to Nor'East Hydro Seeding company, so you will see large trucks and heavy equipment with their logos. The spots we may park on as a church are the grassy spots just past the multi-unit dwelling on the corner of Miller and Smith Street. Click here for a map of our additional parking spots.
We are currently holding one equipping class that everyone is encouraged to attend. These classes cover a range of topics that are aimed to build up the church's foundational understanding of theological doctrine and practical Christian living. Equipping class is held in the chapel room and includes teaching and discussion.
Our Sunday worship service is the central part of the week in the life of our church. Our old church bell rings a few minutes before the beginning of the service as a call for all to come and worship.
Upon arrival, members and attendees mingle and fellowship as a piano prelude plays. At the start of the service, there is a Scriptural call to worship, followed by singing of hymns, announcements for the life of our church, offertory, pastoral prayer, sermon, and time of response. Our sermons are expositional, aiming to draw out the meaning of the text of God's Word as the biblical authors intended when God wrote through them. Our services last between one and one and a half hours.
Dress is as each is comfortable. We encourage you to come as you are, with a heart eager to hear from and worship the Lord.
Our congregational singing consists of hymns of old and new, accompanied by piano. Our aim is to build up the body by singing songs that herald Christ's gospel in lyrically rich and meaningful ways.
We are absolutely eager to welcome you and your children to our gatherings. Children typically worship with the whole group from the beginning of the service until the start of the sermon.
Younger children | During the sermon hour, children up to age 7 have the option of joining a teacher for kids' class. The intention is to free up parents to be able to focus on the sermon while these young children learn about the Lord with a trusted teacher.
Older children | In light of Ephesians 6:4 and Deuteronomy 6's ethic of parents teaching their children in the Lord, we encourage older children to be challenged to be fed by the sermon along with their parents. We provide interactive worksheets for children to complete as they listen for key answers from the preached Word. We pray that this shared time will afford families more opportunities to "teach them [these words] diligently to your children, and ... talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise" (Deut 6:7).
Babies | We love the sound of babies' cries. Please feel free to have your babies in the service, or if you'd like, you may take your kids to our nursery in the chapel room (ages 0-2).
L O R D ' S S U P P E R & F E L L O W S H I P L U N C H
We partake of the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of the month. This meal is open to anyone who has professed faith in Christ and has been baptized in obedience to Scripture. Those who have not done this are welcome to spend the time reflecting on Christ's offer of forgiveness through repentance of sin and trusting in him alone for salvation.
After the conclusion services during which we take the Lord's Supper, everyone is encouraged to stick around for a potluck fellowship meal in the fellowship hall downstairs. The fellowship meals are held from September through May.