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We take an offering on Sunday mornings, so you are always welcome to give to the Lord's Kingdom when worshiping with us. We also offer online giving as another option where you can set up regular offerings from your bank account or credit card.

(To help your gift go completely to RVC, please consider paying the processing fee.)


Christ gave His life for sinners to be redeemed, justified, sanctified, and one day glorified through His atoning death on the cross and His victorious resurrection on the third day.


As Christ gave His all, we are to give our all for Christ and His church. This includes our time, our talents, and our resources. When we give to the church, we are giving to the praise of God's glorious grace - so that sinners may hear the gospel and be saved, while believers may continue to grow in sanctification through the preaching of God's Word.


We invite you to give generously and cheerfully to the church, because by doing so you are giving to God, an outworking of your trust in His Son, and investing in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

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